Tuesday 22nd October 2024,
First Bangor Boy's Brigade

Company Section

 Company Section & Seniors 1st Bangor Boys Brigade: Every Friday is Different!

Love Sport?  Then you’ll love our Friday nights.
Hate sport?  Then you’ll still love our Friday nights!


Boys Brigade Company Section & Seniors

Are you a teenager aged between 10 and 18 (Year 8 to 14) with nothing to do on a Fri night? If the answer is yes, turn your Fri night into an opportunity to make new friends.  Prepare to be mentally, physically and spiritually challenged! Let your Fri night become a night of excitement, entertainment and learning at 1st Bangor Boys Brigade Company Section and Seniors.

Each year within 1st Bangor Boys Brigade Company Section we will undertake a huge range of activities with the boys. Each Boys Brigade night is different so there is something for everyone!

An Example of a Fri Night at our Boys Brigade Company Section & Seniors

A Friday night begins with opening squad marks and a study of a Bible passage, to so see what God maybe saying to us today. There may then be an activity relating one of the areas of our badge work; Get Active, Get Into the Bible, Get Creative, Get Learning, Get Adventurous and Get Involved. This is an excellent badge scheme and through the scheme, we hope you will discover something about yourself.  Maybe a hobby, interest or talent. At the end of the badge scheme you will leave the Boys Brigade with the ultimate achievement of the Queens Badge.

After badge work it’s then into activities. Activities could be anything from, football, volleyball, badminton, quizzes, cooking, PS4, table tennis or squad competitions.  For those not interested in sport, we have an alternative activity with our expert boardgames master, Gordy. We also have different guests join us each year, we have speakers from RNLI, Tearfund, Christian Aid and the Guide Dogs for the Blind.

There will also be a number of outings.  We have been to golf driving range, leisure centre, Eddie Irvines, archery, climbing walls, caving, Airtatsic and Ulster Rugby. Each year there will be something different!

Boys Brigade Company Section & Seniors

Company Section & Seniors: How do I join?

If you are interested in joining our Boys’ Brigade Company Section, then send us an email using the address at the top of the page.  The cost to join the Company Section is only £30.00 for the year. Boys are welcome to join us at any stage during the year, you don’t need to wait until the start of a new session.  Our first night back is Fri 6th Sept 2024.

The uniform is black shoes, dark socks, school trousers, Blue BB Shirt, BB tie, BB belt and BB hat. The shirt, tie, belt and hat can be purchased from BB headquarters in May Street, Belfast. You do not need to have the uniform before you can join.

For more information on some of the activities our Company Section undertake CLICK HERE.

For more information on the Boys Brigade Northern Ireland click here to visit the Boys Brigade NI website.

A Comment From A Parent

We are the parents of two boys who have been attending First Presbyterian BB for the last 11 years . We would like to say that from the minute both boys started they were welcomed by such dedicated staff who have a desire to lead the boys in their Christian faith alongside making sure that they always have great fun and make lasting friendships . They have had many exciting opportunities during these years from learning to play the ukulele to taking part in the queens badge . Our boys always receive a birthday card which is such a lovely personal touch and are also remembered during important times such as big exams . We couldn’t be happier with the BB it has made such a difference to our boys lives . Thank you 
Nick and Shirlee.